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leo-j said:

What a beutiful day!


Can you guys tell me why when I pee it burns like a mo fo?

No I dont have a fever, no my stomach doesnt hurt, no my kidney doesnt hurt etc..

It just burns when I pee, it stings at first then it feels fine.

Can you guys tell me what it is? Also I have been drinking alot of soda and havent drunk water for 3 weeks until now.



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I guess there could be multiple reasons, but the first that springs to mind is an STD. I think burning when urinatin is amongst the symptoms associated with Chlymadia, but obviously rule that out if you haven't had unprotected sex.

It could be a urinary tract infection, which I have had before. Have you had tummy ache, or felt the need to wee more often? If so then this could be it.

I also think Kidney Stones may cause pain whilst urinating, but I can't be sure. I would recommend checking Google, but don't go too deep into the research as before you know it you will have five weeks left to live and be dying from some horrendous disease. 


Edit: And I just realised my advice is almost four years too late!