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curl-6 said:
lucidium said:
curl-6 said:
oniyide said:

just out of curiosity what are Wii owners upgrading too? You say it was cut off sometime ago and the successor has been out for more than a year and they aint buying that for sure.

Like I said, some don't upgrade early. Especially to a still expensive system without its biggest software.

You are implying that theres a large portion of Wii owners waiting for a key title to buy in to the WiiU, I hope for Nintendos sake that you are right, But the current performance and my gut tell me you're wrong.

We'll see, when the price drops and Mario Kart + Smash Bros are out.

oh come on, those games are not going to put a system that is tracking below GC in the Wii sales category, you are lying to yourself if you believe that. People bought Smash and Kart for WIi because people already HAD a Wii not the other way around. Unless you believe that these games will put up their WIi counterpart numbers because thats the only way you will be right.