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curl-6 said:

the system was essentially retired some time ago.

Just as it was for a large portion of its userbase, within a year of buying it.

Im not saying there are not hundreds of thousands that own and love their Wii, don't get me wrong, but the wii, just like every other console, has a fair chunk of users that buy or have it bought for them on a whim, theres are generally kids who get mommy or daddy to buy them one at christmas or birthdays because kid x or kid y at school has one, in these instances the moment something else becomes trendy in their social groups the past trends are dropped like a rock.

the Wii attracted records sales for a nintendo console, but in doing so a record number of kids as outlined above, so it is not unrealistic to predict that a good 20-30% of the consoles sold did not see any use past the 1 year mark, including the game bundled with the console, that would leave (under your terms) 1 year to purchase a further 6-7 games.

Being realisatic, nobody bought their kid JUST a Wii console and asked them to make do with the bundled game, did they?, they at the very least got 1-3 games, which then leaves 1 year to make a further 3-6 games, if you think 3-6 games purchased in a years time for a console that was flooded to death with shovelware is unrealistic then i don't even know what to say to you.

While the "played less than a month and shelved" rhetoric may not be universal, there are sure to be plenty that did just that, but realistically, a larger portion would have ditched it within the first year, I sure did.

And for the record, I still own that very console, it is sat next to me as i type, along side my 360, vita tv, ps3 and ps4 (xbone is under the tv hidden away next to my WiiU because its just too damn big).

You paint a picture that just isn't realistic, the wii sold extremely well but the notion that it wasn't a fad for a large chunk of its userbase is just wrong, after all if those users had not ditched the console or switched to other platforms, the WiiU wouldn't be on the virge of being lapped right now, would it?