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To paraphrase a famous line. Your not pissed about having it so bad. Your pissed about others having it so good. Your pissed that people who own a 360 are getting a heaping helping of role playing games. Not just role playing games, but the best role playing games. While your not getting any at all or crumbs off of our plates.

Microsoft isn't committing a crime against the gaming gods. They are doing what a decent consoles manufacturer is supposed to be doing. They are managing their library and keeping the experience compelling. You should be asking Sony why they aren't taking care of you. They should be buying exclusives for their customers. They used to do that.

Stop whining and stop blaming the competition for all of the screw ups Sony has made you endure. You want these role playing games then you know what you got to do to play them. You can't afford it hock the PS3, and buy the 360. You can always buy a new PS3 in a couple years when Final Fantasy finally comes out. Probably for a couple hundred dollars. What is so complicated about this is it pride?

I also like the logic that says, because it is on the 360 the title is instant fail. Especially when its doing the best job of moving the titles outside of Japan, and Sony hasn't proven a single thing. Seriously if PS3 owners are so in to JRPGs then how can they stand to own a PS3 it doesn't have any. Thats like being in love with basketball so you go to a hockey camp, and wait impatiently for the ice to melt. That has to be a prime example of brain damage. Why would you force yourself to suffer like that.

kingofwale go cry somewhere else. Your just being jealous and pathetic. So much so that its hard not to feel sorry for you. You must be terribly bitter and sad with your gaming choices. You know playing on a 360 will not dirty your soul. I am sure you can find a used one somewhere, or the arcade should be coming down soon.