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kingofwale said:
Wildcard975 said:
kingofwale, I see you don't own a 360 BUT you are in a 360 thread trying to down play the game.

If it was a PS3 exclusive, I bet it would be all praises coming from you.

Tales is a good series, don't try to bash it cause you have to wait for it in 2009.

 Actually, Tales of the World is PSP exclusive. Do you see me praising it? MotorStorm 2 is PS3 exclusive, do you see me praising that? Those are just some examples.

 Tales makes NO SENSE on xbox, Microsoft are better off using those money (they spend on time-exclusives) on something better.

 In fact, I most likely won't even get the game, if it doesn't receieve favourable reviews.


Guess what dumbass, RPGs didn't "make sense" on the PS1 since the genre had been a primary playground for Sega and Nintendo when it first came out.  In fact, no genre "made sense" from the point of establishment.  Sony was a newcomer, and they had to establish what kind of gamers were on their system.

The point is that Microsoft is trying to establish the Xbox 360 as being a diverse gaming machine, so it makes plenty of sense for them to cater to those who play RPGs as well as every other genre.  The fact that the PS2 was (and is) so popular among RPG players such as myself is not lost on them.

Kudos to Microsoft for being there to support these companies.  When the PS3 can boast a nice library of RPGs in 2009, I will definitely pick one up, but it sure as hell wont' be for the garbage that Square Enix has been putting out.  FFXIII can kiss my ass... they haven't put out a good game since FF9, and that was mediocre.