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ClassicGamingWizzz said:
FlamingWeazel said:
LOL the attempts to make tlou sound bad in this thread are golden, It's a movie, just a shooter,....none of which are remotely true. Most coming from fans of other consoles too, odd that no?

It´s ok people prefer other games to win goty but holy shit, some people talking about this game trying to prove that more than 200 gaming sites/magazines are totaly wrong is hilarious, some excuses just show that people didnt even played it before trashing it or they are simply  mad their favourite game didnt won and feel the need to trash the winner in the most ridiculous aspects.

It's really adorable how you begin that post with a logical statement about how differing opinions are ok, but then in the rest of the post, whine and cry about those opinions because they must be wrong.

What exactly has anyone in the thread said that would show they haven't even played it or are just mad and wanna bash it in "ridiculous aspects"? The game has some big issues for some people. Like the level design, game design, AI, lack of immersion, stealth, or survival aspects, just for starters. Some can overlook that or don't have as big a deal with those shortcomings as others and that's fine. I don't see the need to enter a thread where there will obviously be critcizing of a game just to bitch about said criticizing. Who cares? I have seen a few threads about the billions of GOTY awards LoU has won, but I haven't been obligated to post in any of them just because I disagree.