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MikeRox said:
justinian said:
Iwata seems a nice guy but this is business. Business has nothing to do with personal feelings.

There is no way anyone could have handled the wii u any worst than he did. The past is the past and no matter how glorious that past was his would be forever scarred by him being captain of the ship when it recorded it's first economic losses in living memory - if not ever.

Time for him to leave his post I would say but I do wish him all the very best when he (hopefully) goes.

You clearly missed the early to mid 90s...

I think he should get at least the next generation before he should be written off. He led Nintendo through their brightest period (when they were meant to be doomed) and it's still not set in stone how this generation is going to pan out. Not many people thought we'd be discussing the possibility of the 360 or PS3 catching up to the Wii in lifetime sales back in 2007.

All it takes is that one piece of software that resonates, and suddely you've got a monumental shift in fortunes.

Ist bolded: He also led them through their worst.

2nd bolded: That may, or may not happen.

The rest: No, I just was about ready for the mid 90s. The N64 was my then weapon of choice and yes, horrible decisions were made on the cartridge and the system's design but I think the wii u will be lucky to reach it's 33m mark set so long ago.

As for the wii, I was the one shouting loudest that the wii remote would be the killer peripheral that send it into the hemisphere.

But nothing can excuse the poor handling of the wii u,  more so it's marketing.

It seems like he never learned: Quoted from 2011:

"We also must reflect on the fact that we were not able to launch Nintendo 3DS at a time when a sufficient number of strong software titles were ready," said Iwata. 

Having learned its lesson, Nintendo is taking every necessary precaution to ensure that the same thing doesn't happen to the Wii U

"In order to avoid the same thing from happening to the Wii U, we are considering details, such as what software is suitable for the launch and first year, more carefully than ever before," said Iwata.

Iwata also noted that one of Nintendo's biggest mistakes was not investing in the creation of certain games with third parties, but it is now willing to do so.

After wii u launch:

“We are to blame. We relaxed our [marketing] efforts, so the consumers today still cannot understand what’s so good and unique about the Wii U. We have been unsuccessful in coming up with one single software with which people can understand, ‘OK, this is really different.’ As long as people have hands-on [experience], they can appreciate the value of the Wii U, but because there’s not software that’s simple and obvious for people as ‘Wii Sports’ for the Wii, potential consumers do not feel like trying the Wii U.”

No one is perfect, I accept that. But after identifying the problems and still not resolving them is a big negative.