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Again I think it funny how the WiiU is treated to a clear double standard. The prior installment of "The Secret Developer" the developer discusses the challenges of moving from the prior gen to this one. He characterizes the prior gen as strong CPU and weak GPU. As many functions as possible were moved to the CPU to free up the GPU. This generation is characterized as small improvement in CPU and more improvement in GPU. The CPU of both Xbox One and PS4 are described as weak in comparison to the improvement in GPU.

So a game is ported to the WiiU from a console that has a weak GPU and strong CPU. The WiiU, like all consoles this gen has an improved CPU but a much, much stronger GPU. The problems of transitioning from one type of generation to the other is described as a problem only for the WiiU but it is a problem every developer will be having when going from 7th gen to 8th gen. The WiiU is not the exception. It is the rule.


As an example, this quote:

So why are studios rushing out games when they know that they could do better given more time?

When it comes to console choice, most gamers will purchase based on factors such as previous ownership, the opinions of the gaming press (to some extent), which consoles their friends buy to play multiplayer games, and in some cases, which exclusives are being released (Halo, Uncharted etc). This means that studios are under a lot of pressure to release games with new consoles, as they help drive hardware sales. Also, if a studio releases a game at launch, they are likely to sell more copies, as console purchasers require games in order to show off their shiny new consoles to their friends.

So, with limited time, limited resources and limited access to development hardware before the retail consoles arrive, studios have to make a decision. Do they want their game to look good, play well and maintain a solid frame-rate? If so, compromises have to be made and screen resolution is an easy change to make that has a dramatic effect on the frame-rate (900p, for example, is only 70 per cent of the number of pixels in a 1080p screen). This will likely be the main driving reason behind the resolution choice for the launch titles and won't be any indicator of console "power" - compare Project Gotham Racing 3's sub-native presentation with its sequel, for example.

The compromises are made to get the game out on time and grab those dollars. They don't indicate the console power. These ports made to WiiU that barely run at or below some other machines. They were quick ports that reflect limited time, resources and access. The ports reflect going from a strong CPU weak GPU scenario to the exact opposite. The quotes even from the disgruntled developer reflected the exact same variables as mentioned in this prior Secret Developer article and no ill will was assigned to Microsoft, Sony, the PS4 or Xbox One for having to go through the same process.