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Okay look. You certainly have wiggle-room to argue that points 2. and 3. are true or not. Those are a bit more subjective in nature to be sure. Though honestly it's still a valid point that Nintendo DOES always tend to be the most inventive/innovative, and it's a fact that their games are almost always of the highest quality/some of the highest rated in any given year.

BUT, I'm sorry, point #1. is not arguable. Nintendo absolutely is indispensable to the industry, and if you don't understand why, then I'm afraid you don't truly understand video games. I'm not saying that to be a prick....but there's just no two ways about it. I cannot think of a single other video game company MORE indispensable than Nintendo. That is to say, I can't think of a single game company who would have MORE of a negative impact on the industry by "going away" than Nintendo would.

Yes, if Nintendo died tomorrow and not a single new Nintendo console or especially NIntendo franchise game would ever see the light of day again, other companies would try to rise up and "fill the void". But let's be real here. If NIntendo were gone, the gaming industry would quickly become a pretty boring, "me too" place. It already is that, to a large degree. And a world without new Nintendo games is honestly not one I would like to ever have to live in. And considering that MOST of the Top 50 highest selling video games of all time ARE Nintendo published titles, I tend to think a majority of gamers would probably agree.