RolStoppable said:
Indeed, that is the point that has to be raised. Sony made it difficult and didn't go out to help developers until months after launch. There were also studios going under in the process as well as publishers posting losses, but what was the result? Third parties began to make the PS3 the lead platform despite lagging considerably behind in America and Europe (where the focus of Western developers and publishers lies). On topic: I read the entire article and I could sense the disappointment of the developer when he was assigned to develop a Wii U game. He went a lot into details, but didn't mention his team's size or how many months they had to get the job done. While I don't have any real doubts that the details about the Wii U's chipset and Nintendo's developer support are true, the entire article comes off as one-sided and thus doesn't line up with what we've heard from developers who put their names under their statements. |
well it helps that sony actually made a console that was nextgen interms of power, i imagine if the ps3 had the same power as the wii, developers would have dropped it and made most games for 360, believe it or not developers like making games on powerful hardware and i agree with your second paragraph. i don't reallly like the secret developer thing, check my link below as they are all over the place.