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MikeB said:

Games like UT3, Heavenly Sword and Motorstorm IMO offer interesting and pretty good gameplay experiences in addition to good graphics.

For some games like Condemned (360), Rumble Roses (360) and Genji2 (PS3) these seemed to provide more graphical push than gameplay push.

But generally speaking the best games also seem to receive relatively good graphical polish. Like Mario Galaxy (for Wii standards), Uncharted (PS3), Kameo (360), etc. Certainly bad graphics don't assure good gameplay nor vice versa, I am sure the bulk of the top 100 worst games also provide horrible graphics.

Wii Sports with good graphics for instance in the style of Everybody's Golf wouldn't make the game any worse, it would actually add to the experience. Similarly the core gameplay of Pacman was good, but for instance improved versions like the one by Edgar M Vigdal Deluxe Pocmon with all its bells and whistles IMO offers a far more enjoyable experience. Pacman on the Atari 2600 was horrible, also due to its graphics compared to the arcade version.

 I was not trying to say that good graphics equals bad game play or the reverse.  I just was trying to point out that in a day in time where graphics seems to mean everything, some dev teams have become lazy putting very little into the game experience and just giving us polished terds.  Just wanted to get some opinions on what those PT's were that is all.

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