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Adinnieken said:
Figgycal said:
Adinnieken said:
kupomogli said:
Microsoft's power of the cloud is stating that they'll enhance the game itself, not stream the whole game to you. Streaming video content is one thing, streaming uncompressed textures and other stuff is not going to be possible on the cloud.

If streaming video is the power of the cloud then OnLive is better than Xbox One.

Watch Nvidia's video. 

Link please? I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking for.

Did you happen to watch the video? Its about amortizing lighting for gpu rendered games. We already have heard about the possibilities of this but we already KNOW that given the XB1s tech coupled with the current state of most peoples connections over the internet there is very little chance that they will be able to leverage Da Clowd to improve graphics directly. Sure, having dedicated servers to relieve processing for matchmaking, and even AI scripting in online games a la TItanfal or Drivatars etc. makes sense as those won't cause visual issues and any device can take advntage of that. Oh, and the Nvidia demo claims a max of 30FPS client side.

They also compare another iteration of the Nvidia CloudLight directly to Gaikai and OnLive! Meaning one method is simply streaming video just like they are doing with PS Now.

Right now, the MS promise with the current XB1 hardware is pie in the sky or cloud in this case.