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NG >>> GoW >>>>>>>>> DMC

NG by far is my favorite of the 3. The story was pretty much non-existent but the combat really drew me in. Variety of weapons, and challenge of learning the skills were all far above the other games imo.

GoW. I didn't really play these last gen (yeah I know I should have) but have revisited them since I got my PS3. The story was epic but I found the combat to be pretty lacking. Seemed like a button mash-athon. The boss battles were cool and cinematic but "platforming" was terrible and the combat repetitive.

DMC. 1 good game, 1 terrible game, 1 mediocre game last gen put this in last place. I actually had fun going back and playing the newest DMC. The combat is simple enough that newcomers can button mash but learning the intricacies and linking huge combos is really rewarding. I only put this last because of the inconsistency in the games.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection