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Thanks so much for this, Salnax! This was a top notch thread! Very enjoyable read! I like your choice to put the top 10 by all categories. Seeing what strengths and weaknesses each had that contributed to their success was really interesting and provided a really cool perspective on why people like or dislike certain games. It made for a much more enjoyable read than a straight vote ranking of best Zelda games. Thanks for taking the time to put this all together!

I gotta say, I'm really pleased with how this turned out. I agreed with almost every category, and thought every game deserved the wins it got. It's really hard to rank Zelda games because they're all pretty good, and the games I'd pick as my favorite and the ones I'd rate the best are two different lists for me, but if I had to rank them best to worst as objectively as possible, I think that top ten list is pretty much the exact order I'd pick.