Probably Secret of Mana for me. A JRPG that had incredibly co-op gameplay? Yes please, thank you. My brother and I spent countless hours on that game when it was released. I was a very young lad at the time but I still remember how much fun it was. Earthbound was a gem too.
PS2 era? Final Fantasy X and Kingdom Hearts. Both games I had no urge to see how the story wrapped up. Just wanted it to go on and on. I remember playing Kingdom Hearts for the first time, before everything was on the internet, and going from world to world so genuinely excited to see where you'd be going next.
The Last of Us on PS3 was also an incredible experience. Picking through the rubble relentlessly trying to find some resources to make a shiv, because you know you're vulnerable without one. You really do experience what they're going through. The immersion is incredible. Well done Naughty Dog.
It's all about the game.