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MaxwellGT2000 said:
Wow lots of fighting over graphics here, well here's my view on things, power wise Uncharted, Bioshock, any game going for realism that's not a racing or RPG yet still up there is using a bit more power, how they looks is up to the style and what people themselves like, the lighting and water for Uncharted looks amazing, like the light hitting his face in one of the posted pics looks like real life lighting and actually makes me think of how that bright and clear sun hitting my own face annoys the crap out of me, however I don't like the style or setting of Heavenly Sword and would never put it on the list.

Car games have looked close to real since last gen now its just more polygons and still the backgrounds need work when it would be fine to add less to the cars and more to buildings, people, etc. Simply its not hard to get a basic block shape and the edges into smooth curves, its harder to make a person look real. So no car game would ever get on my list.

RPGs are slower paced most of the time so not really forcing the hardware to work at a fast pace so by default they have an advantage they have a little extra slack to work with but yes they all look very good this gen but I thought that point needed to be made.

 The only problem with what you said is that devs don't need to make the environment look great in a racing game because you are going past it at 150+ mph.  It is going to be blurred no matter what, but the car you are racing next to is going the same speed you are meaning no motion blur and you can look at it and thus deserves the detail. 

Also, correct me if I'm wrong since I don't own a 360, but Lost Oddyssey still has random battles.  That way they can fudge the graphics a bit because they don't need to worry about having monsters moving, and battle animations for your characters.  It would still load a battle into an arena to fight with the enemies and thus are able to give that arena better graphics and then you have battle animations loaded up etc.

And for CoD4, they admittedly show less to you to make it feel really realistic.  They said that they used a trick that Hollywood uses in its movies to get you to focus on what they want you to see and that stuff they can make look better so they can cheat a little bit with the graphics.