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ChronotriggerJM said:
krik said:
ChronotriggerJM said:
God of War Series: Great
DMC Series: Stylish
Ninja Gaiden Series: Garbage >_>

Ninja Gaiden is not garbage. I like the series a lot. Not as much as God of War but as muchas DMC.

No the game it'self is ok quality, but the game is a monstrocity to it's name -_-; NINJA gaiden's main character, happens to be the WORST NINJA I'VE EVER SEEN. The game is a non-stop walk somewhere and get ambushed fest (yet you never do any of the sneak attacking), not once have I been sent on an information gathering mission, I've never eavesed dropped, poisoned anyone, ninja vanished, walked on water.... all these things Ninja's were notorious for >_>; I just seem to fight other ninjas (who are better ninjas than ryu mind you), demonic cyber punks, or some other half baked piece of crap character -_-; 

All in all I find Ninja Gaiden to be a pretty sorry excuse for a game at times :x I think honestly if the game was just called Gaiden Sigma, I'd love it alot more xD But because the game is CALLED NINJA Gaiden, it all turns to shit, and until I can choose not to be a ninja from start to finish, I'm not sure if I can ever appreciate this game. 

You are entitled to your opinion but NG is by far the best game of its genre.   You can walk on water, and do not get ambused constantly.  Again though you have a preference so its all good.