FunKrusher said: kermitman: 2105-8319-4326
Cinephile: 2191-7351-8217
DarkNight_DS: 2621 2318 5709
sc94597: 0258-9997-8288
Dragonos: 0087-2011-4629
I also added chris, and spdk1 and these people Rubang B: 1805-1775-0529
adajio: 4425 1129 9156
Vagabond7: 0559-6424-6249
pichu_pichu: 0387-8438-1349
elprincipe: 5455-9050-8670
Roflinator: 0301-9445-9932
ClaudeLv250: 5284-1064-4130
makingmusic476: 4210-3649-7212
taomaster06: 1762-2335-2712
naznatips: 3737-9183-6476
quigontcb: 0087-1962-4153
Shissy: 3609-0690-6877
MeowTheMouse: 2191-6919-2772
kevinay: 2492-3608-2456
OooSnap: 4553-9624-8424
brawl4life: 5455-9066-6336
Ninlenbox: 3351-3713-0336
azrm2k: 0430-7934-8109
Hyperion: 2750-0776-7146
mrketchup33: 3093-6733-7782
xstonexcold316x: 3437-2729-6673 KMASS
4553 9635 0813
Again these people are on my list already, my correct number is 4553-9635-0813 and the Brawl name is KMASS, there have been a couple that have added, but not too many,