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SvennoJ said:
selnor1983 said:
SvennoJ said:
You're about as successful at communicating your ideas as MS was with their DRM share plans.

So you want tv manufacturers to build Kinect into their tvs and connect to a new XBox service that streams? the same games you can play on an XBox One. Basically cross-buy combined with Gaika, with everything you need build into the tv.

Or just an XBox one without a disc drive, and cross-buy with everything available as a pc game as well?

Anyway why would tv manufacturers limit their market by integrating an expensive piece of hardware into their tvs that only works with 1 service and/or console? It seems they're doing fine on their own making smart tvs. What is the incentive for the manufacturer to give MS a cut, and for the consumer to pay more for the tv?
Sony tried something sort of similar with their ps 3d tv, the only good thing about that was that you could pick them up dirt cheap just months later.

That one service has a shed load of apps available and would save the TV manufacturer having to build any software to get apps on Smart TV. Xbox One software already contains Windows 8 and would allow any RT apps right there on the TV out of the box. And they wouldnt stream the games, the TV would contain the chipset the Xbox One has. Albeit revised at lower power consumption and heat. Minus the disc tray. PC would just require the service open to it. And TVs would finally actually have decent camera tech for motion and speech. Instead of the terrible options TV's have in comparison to Kinect.

Ah, don't think that's going to happen. Way too expensive for the average consumer. You basically want a slightly less powerful xbox one built into tvs running windows 8. That is of no interest to tv manufacturers. They have a cheap board in there to run simple apps they have control over. Their main concern is keeping the price of the tv low, Licensing win 8, sticking half a pc in there and expensive Kinect tech will drive the price up several hundred dollars at least. TV manufacturers are also not in the business of selling at no profit or even at a slight loss.
MS can ofcourse try to launch their own XBox TV.

XBox live on PC will not draw extra pc gamers. They're not interested paying for a closed eco system when they can get more apps and functionality for free, and more games with mods for less. Publishers also rather avoid the closed ecosystem fee MS charges them.
And on the other side, is it really a good idea for MS to let their players experience the same games on PC, making the step to spend the rest of their time on Steam sales even easier. Instead of browsing the XBox games store after playing a 1st party title, a simple alt-tab will open up a whole world of much cheaper games.

Cloud will be very important to games on PC as well. Titanfall has to use Xbox Live on PC as it is NOW not having to be changed and have missing stuff as originally was the case back in June. Its now Xbox Live only on PC and is taking full advantage of the Cloud. Steam doesnt have Cloud, and if Titanfall shows itself to be a game changer with Cloud then Xbox Live could have many titles not possible on Steam. Even 3rd parties like Respawn not just first parties.

Xbox Live has sales to. I got Peggle 1 on 360 for example for £1. Or publishers and devs have always got sales on. Same as Steam. I got Dead Rising 2 years ago for £3.99 on 360 Xbxo Live 75% off.

I see your point about TV's, but we never know. Xbox One without Disc tray and as a result being cheaper is definately an option though. And I do fully believe Xbox will be a service across devices. Especially PC as I stated.