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Pemalite said:
selnor1983 said:

Titanfall is now Xbox Live Cloud only. They are no longer re engineering the PC version to downgrade the Cloud stuff. PC version has been allowed to use the same Xbox One cloud service and is FULLY Xbox Live. and Windows 8 only.

Its fair enough that you dont want to use Xbox Live, but I fully expect MS in the next few years maybe around 2015/16 to bring Xbox as a full service across devices. And it to compete right against Steam but with a HUGE advantage over Steam with 50 + exclusives like Killer Instinct and Halo 5. Sony are already changing to a service, MS will to but with Windows 8 as its back bone.

If that's the case... Should be interesting to see how much Titanfall flops on the PC. (I would be more than happy to be proven wrong however.)
Windows 8 is yet to command a decent amount of marketshare and PC gamers generally don't care for minor things like Xbox integration, GFWL was the proof of that. - It's already got all that working against it.

Now 50+ exclusives is a nice number, but they're still going up against Steam which has over 3,000 games with more being added daily.
It's like comparing the games library of the Virtual Boy against the Playstation 2 it's a laughable difference to say the least.

Then you have price, we PC gamers are cheapskates... we really are. - If they start demanding $100-$120 AUD a game like they do on console, they won't gain much traction.

Edit: It's not Windows 8 exclusive it seems, so this is really all moot.

Im not sure what you mean about the Steam games 3000+. Microsoft has every 3rd party game on Xbox Live also. Well between Xbox Live 360 and One. Theres around 6000+ games on 360 Xbox Live including the indie games. With Xbox One ALL releases are available day 1 on download. Id imagine Microsoft would converge the 360 list with The One list if becoming a full service on PC and other devices. Microsoft have a great 3rd party support. Much better than Steam.