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selnor1983 said:
Xenostar said:

As GFWL already went up against Steam and had to close down, yeah i think they would get steam rolled again, PC consumers arent interested in Xbox Live

So your saying a PC gamer would not be interested in Titanfall? Halo 5? Quantum Break? Forza 5? Black Tusks New IP? Killer Instinct? Fable? Banjo Kazooie? etc etc. All exclusive to Xbox Live. They would have sales just like steam and imo with MS portfolio would destroy Steam. What would Steam have to offer? Xbox Live would have all the 3rd party games also.

GFWL does not have an amazing exclusive portfolio that PC players would get from Xbox service.

I would be interested in more Fables and Halo games on PC. I would also be interested in Killer Instinct, but only if they're on Steam.

And Titanfall *is* coming to PC. (Unfortunatly only on Origin at this stage, so I won't be buying unless it's on Steam.)

The big issue that allot of people had with Games for Windows Live! was that it was a consolised interface on the PC, Steam does an interface right, it's PC centric on the PC, the way it should be.
Then you have the prices, no one beats Steams sales, not Sony, not Microsoft and not Nintendo.

Then you need to consider that the majority of PC games are on Steam in one easy location, lots of people have large Steam library's and don't feel inclined to fragment that across a heap of different clients, fact of the matter is Steam got in early, got hated early then did the right thing by PC gamers by making games cheaper and more convenient for every PC gamer and continued to innovate and evolve the platform and is now pretty much loved by all and deservidly so.

Microsoft was far to fixated on the Xbox, neglected the PC and because of it, they lost the Billions of dollars that Steam rakes in anually, they pretty much lost the PC gaming market to Valves empire, but that's Microsoft's own fault, I don't pity them one little bit, Valve has done more good for PC gaming than *any* other company.
Even Microsoft's ports are still horrible (Like Fable 3), they just simply don't care about PC gaming to any grand extent, they even closed down ensemble studio's which focused mostly on one of the best PC RTS franchises, Age of Empires.
They also closed down Digital Anvil responsible for freelancer even cancelling freelancer 2. (Big mistake with the 10's of millions Star Citizen is raking in.)

I could nag all day... But alas in the end Microsoft needs to do allot to win me over in the PC space as does Electronic Arts and a new game client is *not* the way to go about it they either need to make gaming cheaper and more convenient, not burden us with clones of Steam.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--