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You're about as successful at communicating your ideas as MS was with their DRM share plans.

So you want tv manufacturers to build Kinect into their tvs and connect to a new XBox service that streams? the same games you can play on an XBox One. Basically cross-buy combined with Gaika, with everything you need build into the tv.

Or just an XBox one without a disc drive, and cross-buy with everything available as a pc game as well?

Anyway why would tv manufacturers limit their market by integrating an expensive piece of hardware into their tvs that only works with 1 service and/or console? It seems they're doing fine on their own making smart tvs. What is the incentive for the manufacturer to give MS a cut, and for the consumer to pay more for the tv?
Sony tried something sort of similar with their ps 3d tv, the only good thing about that was that you could pick them up dirt cheap just months later.