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Desertghost said:
Screamapillar said:

1) Government prohibitions don't work. They never, ever have. It just encourages black markets, which lead to crime.

2) Alcohol kills people, not marijuana. So why is alcohol legal?

3) If it's the government's role to stop us from doing stupid things, why are McDonald's and Taco Bell allowed to sell us fatty foods that cause us to be an obese society?  Obesity is much more harmful than marijuana.

4) If we need more tax revenue (which we do), why not legalize marijuana, and tax and regulate it just like cigarettes and alcohol?

In my country people die and accidentally kill while driving under the effects of marijuana all the time...

By your logic if I ever meet a serial killer that only kills men, I should tell him he is a hypocrite and that he should also kill women.

Just because we are legally allowed to do a couple of dangerous stuff, doesn't mean we should fight to do all the hazardous things we can think of, because doing just a couple is stupid. Right?

Drunk driving is harmful to others hence why it is illegal. Driving under the influence of drugs is a separate crime in the U.S. - but where as alcohol can be "drinked responsibly" according to the United States government - they tell us that weed cannot and should be a crime. But the fact is that people are still harming themselves drinking "responsibly". Alcohol is harmful  to your heart. kidney, liver and brain. Marijuana is not. You can not overdose on Marijuana; it hasn't killed anyone in the history of the world and unlike tobacco- it isn't assoiciated with a hundred different forms of cancer. It simply isn't hazardous. It's very straight forward. Marijuana is the least harmful drug among the three - it actually has a plethora of medical uses- and yet it is the one that is illegal.