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bobobologna said:
I can't believe anyone could list Halo 3, unless they really like the art style of the game. From a technical standpoint, that game is terrible.

As for GT5 Prologue replay mode, it is different than the gameplay mode. IIRC, during replays, the game runs at 1920x1080 with 4xAA and some added special effect at 30fps. During actual gameplay, the game runs at 1280x1080 with 2xAA at 60fps. Game looks damn good, the best looking racing game I've ever played (and I've played just about all of them).

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Crysis yet. From a technical standpoint that game exceeds just about every other engine. Even the UE3 is playing catch-up to it. Although with the new ambient occlusion they have just added to the UE3, it's definitely looking a lot nicer.

As for artistic value, my vote goes to Folklore. That game is absolutely stunning.

Some other good games for graphical prowess (not in order) are:
Gears of War (still looks good 1.5 years after release)
Ratchet and Clank
GT5 Prologue

I haven't played Mass Effect or Lost Odyssey yet, so I can't comment on those. Although, I've heard that Lost Odyssey has some framerate issues, which is a bad thing in my book. It would be easy to make a great looking game. It's hard to make a great looking game with rock solid framerates. Lair is a good example. The game is pretty visually stunning, but I disregard all it's technical achievements because it has horrible framerates.

 Sorry your wrong. Halo3 from technical standpoint is producing 2 image. One for HDR and one for LDR. The only next gen console game to run 2 buffers.