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Marchish maybe.

PS4 sales are going to drop more slowly than Wii U sales, but supply constraints, particularly as Sony prepares to launch in another region, may keep PS4 from making up too much ground. PS4 may be able to gain something like 500K during January depending on supply, Nintendo's marketing, and whether or not they decide to advertise stuff like Wii Fit or (better yet) make a bundle for it. So I guess it'll be about a 700K difference by then.

February is Japan's launch. It will probably do about 700K there, but the question is how this will effect supply in other regions. On the Wii U side of things, DKCR will push some units but won't be a system seller. Wii U should still be doing well in Japan, and the Wii U might have a big supply advantage in the States, plus the Wii U will have DK plus maybe some lingering Wii Fit U sales if Nintendo decides marketing is a good idea. PS4 will have few major titles (Drive Club?) and launch buzz will be dying down. EU is obviously an auto win for Sony unless Nintendo pulls off some magic. So, another 3-400K chipped away maybe, leaving Nintendo with a 300K or so lead.

What happens in March will determine if and when PS4 will pass the Wii U. If Nintendo can get MK8 out by then it can slow the progress significantly. Honestly, the demo seemed basically complete with the exception of different tracks and battle modes, so I think MK8 could be out on March 21st. Sony has Infamous and Ground Zeroes, but Titanfall may help the XBone and hurt the PS4. Infamous will be, at best, as big as DK. With Mario Kart, Nintendo can at slow the rate of PS4 progress to about 200K and might be able to actually gain as much as 100K.

After that, it's anyone's guess. We don't really know what either company has planned. It's safe to say Nintendo will have more titles as launch years do tend to be slow. Smash Bros in Q2 would be huge for Nintendo, and can keep them ahead through E3, but I would guess Smash will be August at the earliest. A Wii Sports physical release seems likely, and Bayonetta seems ripe for a may release where its competition won't be too fierce.

Of course, Nintendo's announced games will, at best, keep Nintendo treading water. If the currently announced games are all that there are, Nintendo will be overcome by September, and that's an incredibly optimistic prediction. Nintendo simply needs to find their next casual hit, and if they can't do that, the Wii U will be a niche console for Nintendo fans.