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Lawlight said:
superhippy420 said:

The thing is though is those are just pure development costs.    Sony also has to pay a hefty cut to retailers, shipping costs, marketing costs, and whatever other stuff Sony needs to pay for.   Theres just no way a game like Killzone 2's total costs were only 40m. while Saints Row were 123 m.          Its actually pretty crazy how much of the total costs actually go into devolopment.  I saw somewhere that GTAV's development costs alone were about 200+m. so they may have actually spent 400m. after all the marketing (which there was a TON of) and the cuts to the retailers.    Obviously is was worth it for them, but the total cost to these companies can be insane.   Nintendo has been avoiding marketing costs for years, but I think they need to invest some $$$ into the Wii U.   All the ad's they put out at holiday time obviously helped sales.

I doubt Saints Row 4 cost 123M.

Especially when you consider that most of the engine and assests were refined for the 3rd one.  So if you said both games cost that much (including marketing), I might believe you.  But not the 4th one by itself.