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superhippy420 said:
1st Party Software Sales

360 - 144m.
Wii - 363 m.

Take out Wii Sports / Kinect Adventures

360 - 123 m.
Wii - 281 m.

Like I said in terms of 1st Party software Nintendo crushed their competitors. If it was'nt for COD,GTA, and FIFA the 360 and PS3 might not have even sold half as many consoles as they did. I'm not saying thats a bad thing really because a healthy video game market is good for all companys but the only company that is actually creating its own success is Nintendo. There is alot of truth to saying "Nintendo is all 1st Party / Sony,Microsoft are all 3rd Party" because thats pretty much how it is now.

Now do Gamecube vs Xbox.