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FattyDingDong said:
JoeTheBro said:
FattyDingDong said:
JoeTheBro said:
FattyDingDong said:
You people must realize that Europeans are very open minded people. Sure some are loyal to Sony but when they have to choose from A. a console that offers Kinect+Console+Great games VS. B. a console that has inferior online/no games. BOTH for the same price. Of course they will go with A. Common sense.

Is this a joke thread? Seriously what?

Explain why you disagree.

It was really the "no games" part that made me think you were joking. Your VS. statement is incredibly biased but by the end I thought it was so out there that it was satire.

How in the world does XBONE have great games while the PS4 has no games? PS4 certainly wins the multiplats, and both have comparable exclusives.

Comparable exclusives?  Xbox One has RYSE the best looking game out there right now, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5, Killer Instinct.  What does PS4 have? Killzone? what else. Knack?  you honestly think they are comparable?

If you continue any further you will even embarass the most hardcore Xbox fanboys. No seriously this must be a joke thread.

Just name one thing the X1 has ahead of the 360. The 360 had everything going for it. Over a year advance, better price, better online, better multiplat. It couldn't do shit against a PS3. What on earth makes you think X1 has a chance in hell now that the table is even reversed and PS4 has all the advantages the 360 once had.

The fact that you think X1 had a chance in Japan alone makes you not only the laughing stock of this forum but everyon seriously questioning your state of mind. The X1 is worse in every aspect than the 360 and the 360 couldn't do shit in europe or japan.

PS4 is selling right now more in all territories and is sold out in europe, the X1 is sleeping in the shelves. How does that fit with your view of open minded europeans and X1 as the better product?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.