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Pemalite said:
sethnintendo said:

There is no proof of marijuana being the cause of any death.  It is the safest drug on the planet.  Over the counter drugs kill more than 37 people a day.  If weed caused any death then the religious right and fox news would be all over it.

Safest drug? Hardly.

For starters, it's full of carcinogens that is on par with tobacco, doesn't help most people smoke it with tobacco included.

Secondly, it can impair your senses, you wouldn't wan't to be in a plane when the pilot is stoned and flying through a storm would you? Or hows about your doctor performing life-saving surgery while he is high?

It doesn't directly cause death, it indirectly causes death.
Caffine and Tobacco is easily a safer drug, I would put marijuana on the same scale as alcohol, in otherwords it should only be tolerated in a non-work social environment, such as a small gathering of friends for a barbie in your back yard.

You can eat it, or vaporize, negating all ill effects on the lungs.   when eaten, it is by far the most benign drug.   If you consume 5 ccups of coffee a day you will mess up your kidneys over time.  If you ate 5 pot cookies, or took 5 Cannicaps, your body will fare MUCH better.

and studies have shown the health risks from tobacco and alcohol GREATLY exceed that of marijuana.  Even when smoked.   There are even studies right now showing that people who smoke pot while also smoke tobacco, reduce the rate of cancer.(when compared to tobacco only smokers)

The LD-50 for THC is also multiple times high than alcohol, tobacco or caffiene.   There are reported deaths from OD on those 3 every year.   You wouldnt want someone drunk, high on cough medicine, or oxy's flying a plane either,  you cant bring that kind of shit into a discussion about a drugs dangers,  that just means a pilot high on anything is dangerous and its already not allowed. 

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz