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superhippy420 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
spurgeonryan said:

Not unless it cracks the Japanese code.


So no.

Maybe if Microsoft immediately dumps the 360 like they did the original xbox.


agree? or what do you think mister/misses sales expert?

Theres naturally more demand in the west for an Xbox than a Nintendo console. The Xbone will pass the Wii U by the middle or end of summer. They don't need Japan to beat Nintendo. They never have and never will.

Is that really true though.  The 3DS is a Portable (which suppossedly doesnt sell as well as consoles in the US) and Nintendo (which isnt suppossed to be as popular as Microsoft) and it is still the top selling console in the US.   I'm not even saying that the Xbone / PS4 will do that bad in the US this year, but clearly once Nintendos big games are out, the demand for their consoles go way up.   They could have sold 130 million Wii's last gen but the support for the last couple of years was pretty lame, and it still sold 100m.

3DS hasn't been top selling system any year except this one, and won't be again. it manages about 3.5m a year which is lower than the PS3 average last gen, let alone 360 and Wii.