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superhippy420 said:
Its hard to say ever but there is zero chance in 2014. Xbone only outsold Wii U by 50k a few weeks after launch. Yes, I understand it was holiday season, but it was holiday season for everyone. On top of that with Nintendos massive 2014 lineup, and Microsofts lack of 2014 lineup, I think the real question needs to be is whether the PS4 or Wii U will be in the lead by the end of 2014. Thats a much tougher call.

Zero chance?? lol no. 360 in 2006 shipped 8.9m consoles. I'm not saying XB1 will do that, it'l likely be under that. But it has a much better launch period to offset that drop (3.5 - 4m shipped this year vs a meager 1.5m for 360).

We're all assuming WiiU will be up YoY (just like we assumed when it launched it'd be doing far far better than it is now) but nothing is guaranteed. It could be flat putting it at 8.5m for the year.

PS4 will pass it, there is no doubt about that. You're expecting PS4 to sell worse than PS3 and 360 in their first year if you don't think so.