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Max King of the Wild said:
I love how people are sayimg thing like "ontraction from 260m." Its statements like these that people said Sony lost half its fanbase. Never understood this. The user base of this generation will be closer to 280m when all is said and done. Just like last gen is now closer to 200m instead of 150m that it was at when the 3 consoles launched.

Anyway, on topic. There will be a decrease gen over gen but due to the Wiis false (for lack of a better word) increase. Wii didnt expand the market like the Ps2, ps1 snes or nes did. The people who bought those will stick around. As evident from the generations growing each time. My only question is, will it shrink from ps2 era? I really hope not but with Wii Us massive drop...


Your 280 million theory I can only see if this generation last longer than the 7th generation which was due to the ps3's massive drop. The wii's false increase was due to Nintendo's inability to support the influx of new gamers with only ubisoft and microsoft's token help. They lost interest because the industry was not provideing them with experiences outside of cash grabs and now that is biting the industry in the ass.

The so-called hardcore gamers have to be dangled free games themselves to bite on the vision that these companies have lined up for the next 6 or so years (ps+, ddp, and xbla). That's not a good sign of growth in a business, that's a blowout sale.