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Seece said:
Nem said:
Madword said:
Nem said:
Actually, with the current pace, it will take years before it does.

If the Wii U continues to do well in Japan, it will offset the bonuses the Xbox gets on the American market. In Europe they both sell the same rate. Its a technical tie.

So yeah... i dont think the X1 will outsell the Wii U anytime soon under the current conditions.

The problem will be what kind of drop off in Japan the wii-u wil have after Xmas I would guess. How big was the drop off and how fast last year? I can see it dropping at least 40-60% down within a week or two.. the XboxOne in USA will defiantly be selling more than the Japanese difference I would think.

Europe is defaintely going to be interesting to see, but I still expect the XO to sell better than the Wii-u. So it might actually come down to how well wii-u does in Japan, if it stays high, it might keep the gap closing at a slower pace until software that people want on the wii-u... But I do think XO will get a boost on Titanfall and if Halo releases this year.

Wow so many different factors.... going to be a very interesting year sales wise :)

Remember that the Wii U will also get boosts with Mario Kart 8 and Super smash brothers coming out next year. Actually, the Wii U line-up currently looks to have more potencial. Remember Titanfall will be coming out on the 360 aswell.

XB1 is going to do at least x2 WIiU Japan sales. I don't know why you're expecting a higher baseline for WiiU in Japan this year than what it got in 2013.

Why wouldnt the baseline be bigger? The notable games to release In the first 10 months were Dragon Quest X (7 month late port) and Game & Wario in March, Pikmin 3 and Luigi U in July. Thats a horrible release schedule. The holidays had 2 big titles In Wii Party U and Mario 3D World and a new much more attractive bundle. Also the first half of the year has Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Wii Fit which are much bigger titles than the games that released in early 2013.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.