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small44 said:
Legendary_W said:
small44 said:
Legendary_W said:
small44 said:
Legendary_W said:
If there's something I've learnt about sales in this very website, is that we never know what to expect. Sales always take weird twists.
Looking at the current situation it's logical to assume PS4 will be the winner, but the real question is, will it be able to keep it's momentum? Will Wii U be able to make some sort of comeback (I'm not saying an epic one, just one good enough to compete properly against PS4)? What will happen with Xbox One? What about handhelds? I don't think that PS Vita will surpass 3DS but what if it suddenly starts selling great and 3DS sales lower making the gap between them decrease at a slow but steady rate?

Now, seriously people, we don't know what to truly expect specially since we have no idea what will companies do. Wii U + 3DS bundle? PS4 + Vita bundle? New services? What will happen when the Steam Machines come out and how will it affect the consoles sales? So much to think about.

If wii u manage to compete with ps4 it will be one of the most epic comeback but it imposible without 3rd party support same for psv it won't surpass Nintendo 3ds without 3ed party support.

Like I said, there's just so much to think about. We won't know how long will PS4 keep up these sales. Many people seem to believe it will always sell at these levels, but the truth is that we won't know 'till we see it for ourselves. Maybe it was just the initial hype + holidays, maybe  the console really is that convincing as for people to buy it in masses at anytime of the year, so as I said we won't know for sure until numbers speak. We also don't know what will happen with Wii U. Miyamoto's new IP can be either an epic fail or an epic win, X looks very promising, Mario Kart and Smash Bros. will be decisive, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and Yarn Yoshi aren't system sellers at all but are definitely strong additions to the catalogue. I'll just go ahead and quote myself: Sales always take weird twists. Personally, I'd like them all to do at least well enough to make profit.

3rd party is what make a console successfull not first party,Nintendo first party didn't save Gamecube ,the lack of support kill it,Wii is a exception dispite the lack of 3rd party support casual gamers make it succesfull,casual don't seems interested on Wii u and 3rd party will not support wii u because people would prefer to play their game on ps4/xboxone because they are more powerfull.

But if those first party titles allows the Wii U to sell more hardware then the userbase will be bigger and third-partys will be able sell more, so at least they will make a port for it since there are bigger chances for it to make a profit. The other positive result will be the  fact that since the community is bigger, in order to maintain a good image the games for Wii U will be taken more seriously and will be better optimized and have better support (DLCs and such). About the power thing, in that case everyone should simply dispose their console and buy a high-end PC. More expensive? Yes. More powerful and updated? Yes. You get what you pay for.

A bigger userbase won't chance anything if those new peoples aren't interested on those games or prefer to buy them on ps4/xboxone.

Aren't pc got games later then console version and with console you don't need to change ram and graphics card to play all the games i think that's why some people prefer consoles over pc.

I am sorry, but unfortunately I do not understand how can you state that a bigger userbase won't change a thing. It's simple logic, a bigger userbase means more people out there to buy games, and if you do proper marketing your game can reach these people, resulting in a more probable comercial success. A 5m userbase isn't the same as a 20 million userbase.

Sometimes, yes. PC users have to wait more as it's the case right now with GTA V, but at the same time, most of the games release at the same time in all platforms. 8 GB RAM is enough for gaming, and then you just have to worry about getting a good graphic card and CPU and once you do, then you're all set for 1080@60fps. But hey, this is a thread about consoles sales predictions for 2014, we don't want to de-rail the thread with a PC and consoles power discussion, do we? That said, we should focus on the thread's topic.

Back to topic, and particularly our discussion, I believe that if third partys did quality software for Nintendo and cleaned their names they would break the "TP dev makes a cheap (and so, inferior) port to prevent risk of losing money -> TP Game port sells bad -> Repeat from step 1" cycle and then they would sell well enough. I am not saying ALL companies are like that, but most of them are, and so, third-party games in general sell bad because of this bad reputation. Again, the logic is simple: Who would buy an inferior (Not just graphically) version of a game?