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zorg1000 said:
Seece said:
JoeTheBro said:
Seece said:
Zero999 said:
Seece said:
Zero999 said:

Wii u's 2014 lineup is quite ahead of ps4/xone's. and even games that may actually be big, like FF 15 (if it's 2014), still have lot's of time to be confirmed for wii u.

it isn't. Uncharted and Halo will outsell every WiiU exclusive this year. WiiU won't be getting many if any big third party games, third parties have been burnt enough,

"Uncharted and Halo will outsell every WiiU exclusive this year."

I'm 100% sure that multiple wii u 2014 exclusives will outsell those two.

Everything you say is 100% sure to happen, never happens. Like your 100% WiiU won't be under 6m this year.

But really. You know what Halo sells right?? What multiplat is going to come close to that on WiiU? Pray tell.

In your first post you said exclusive. Now you are talking about multiplats? iOy dios mio!

yeah? Because he brought it up. I said exclusive because it's a given Halo and Uncharted will outsell every WIiU multiplat. Perhaps I should have said Halo and Uncharted would outsell every WiiU game?

Edit - XD oh he said MULTIPLES, I read that as multiplats. You can't blame me, he's come out with some ... wild stuff.

Still, no there won't be multiple WiiU games to outsell Halo lol.

If u guys are talking specifically about 2014 sales than Donkey Kong, Mario Kart and Smash Bros might outsell Halo depending on when it releases and what Xbox install base is by the end of the year.

Halo 3 sold just under 7m and 360 sales were slightly under 16m at the end of 2007. I doubt Xbox will be that high at the end of the year, im guessing more like 10-12m so If Halo 5 has a similar attach ratio than It would sell about 5m this year. Also Halo games have always released in either September or November, Halo 3 was in September but if Halo 5 releases in November than its attach ratio will likely be smaller for the year so maybe more like 4m. So assuming that One is around 10-12m by the end of the year I think Halo will be about 4-5m.

Donkey Kong releases in February so it will have 10 months of this year to sell, Mario Kart releases in Spring so thats 6-9 months and Smash Bros doesnt have a release window yet but IF it releases in Aug/Sept and Halo in November than its certainly possible that these games outsell Halo this year.

If Halo sells 5m WW it has it in the bag, not expecting any of those WiiU exclusives to do that. Is ANY WiiU exclusive above 2m yet?? (That hasn't been bundled)