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JoeTheBro said:
Seece said:
JoeTheBro said:
Seece said:
JoeTheBro said:

In your first post you said exclusive. Now you are talking about multiplats? iOy dios mio!

yeah? Because he brought it up. I said exclusive because it's a given Halo and Uncharted will outsell every WIiU multiplat. Perhaps I should have said Halo and Uncharted would outsell every WiiU game?

Edit - XD oh he said MULTIPLES, I read that as multiplats. You can't blame me, he's come out with some ... wild stuff.

Still, no there won't be multiple WiiU games to outsell Halo lol.

Haha no problem. I don't think anyone is crazy enough to predict a multiplat will beat those games.

Kart and Smash both have good chances of outselling Halo though.

I see Kart and Smash being more slow burners, and the userbases being on par by the end of 2014. I see Halo getting a lot of Halo fans to jump on board than MK and Smash fans.

360 userbase was around 6.3m in US when Halo 3 launched, and it did 3.3m in the US launch month.

That's US only. Massive.

The 360 had a much higher install base when Halo 3 launched. Looking at the charts the 360 was at 15.8 million global sales by the end of 2007. With Halo 5 coming only a year after launch instead of two, even with your optimistic predictions the XBONE will have a smaller install base (realistically it'll have a much smaller install base lol). Long term the game can still have great sales, but it's going to have a smaller opening.

How much smaller do you expect in the US? I don't expect it to be anywhere near 15.8m WW by the end of 2014. I used US as that's where Halo sells best and is a good metric for how well it can do.

What do you think Halo 5 can do on a 4mill install base in the US when Halo 3 did 3.3m on 6.3m? First month btw.

Even if XB1 is at 10m~ end of 2014,  it did 7m on a 16m install base. That suggests 4m on a 10m~ userbase.