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PooperScooper said:
I think you guys are underestimating Sony. They cut their prices and were able to because that quarter they didn't suffer a loss. Every quarter before that they were losing a bunch. So using common sense they should have lost more because they were making less on their system. Obviously this means they were able to afford the price.

Now after their price drop there came reports about blu-ray production drastically dropped. Processor costs droped.

So this leads me to believe they can drop price again. I'm sure right now they were just waiting for sales to slow. Why drop price when your console is selling? that's a bad business move.

Sony hasn't made money of the PS3 yet.  The fine print of the last quarter said that the PS2 and PSP covered smaller PS3 loses.  Sony are not simply waiting for sales to slow, they are praying that sales DONT slow.  They cannot afford more short-term loses, but must instead start to MAKE money off the PS3. 

At BEST they can only afford one price drop this year.  If they have to use that in the next three months, and GT5 doesn't make it out this year, whats left for Europe at Christmas 2008?

Microsoft on the other hand could probably afford another 50 Euro cut at the end of the year, alongside cheaper and more reliable hardware.  Their goal here is to make Sony use their price cut soon, so that the Xbox 360 can have a just-extended price advantage going into the holidays.  

Microsoft have no chance of 'dominating' Europe this generation, but they may just have prevented any chance Sony will ever have of dominating either. 

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