axumblade said:
True. I don't see the Cross-Gen titles being dropped for another few years for the PS or Xbox brand. The titles I mentioned are what I'd call mid-tier but there has been a lot of emphasis on Infamous:Second Son's overhaul between PS3 and PS4 titles. DriveClub could be big but at the same time, Gran Turismo fans want Gran Turismo. I am interested to hear what Sony have in their arsensal for the holiday 2014 though. I'm not sure why people think The Last Guardian will be a huge game saleswise. ICO didn't hit a million in sales and Shadow of the Collossus only sold 1 million. The collection hit a million as well in retail sales (and possibly another million in PSN sales) but that doesn't exactly put it in the category of sales giant...I could be wrong, and hope that I'm proven wrong if any when The Last Guardian actually comes out but even then, it hasn't been confirmed that it's making the leap to the PS4. |
If VGC is to be believed, SotC and ICO sold 2.7M physically.