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episteme said:
Rafux said:
episteme said:

Why do you think that PS4's launch in Japan will be much better than Wii U's?

The Wii U launched at December 8th (holiday boost) and with the successor of New Super Mario Bros. Wii, the best-selling game on a home console in Japan since the original Super Mario Bros. (NES). NSMBWii sold almost as many units in Japan as the four best-selling PS3 games combined. NSMBU had a attach rate of around 50% before the new bundles were launched, now it's close to 80%. It already sold more units than the third best-selling PS3 game.

The PS4 launches on February 22nd with no holiday boost. The highest sales will probably have Yakuza Ishin, the sucessor of a game that sold 0,59M units. It will probably sell more units on PS3.

The Japanese won't care much about Killzone, Knack, DriveClub or InFAMOUS a month later.
The fanfases of Call of Duty or Battlefied (the ones who highly influenced the western PS4 sales) aren't that big in Japan and the potential buyers probably won't wait until February.

The Japanese won't buy the console without interesting games and wait until 2015 to play on it.

Most PS4's that are sold today were ordered before launch and were influenced by the E3 hype. I doubt that a crazy amount of PS4's is still ordered today after all the game reviews are out.

I think the PS4 will have higher YTD numbers than the Wii U in Japan at the end of 2014, but it won't beat it's LTD numbers (maybe in 2015). It will almost certainly beat it's LTD numbers everywhere outside Japan, it already happened in several countries.

(Sorry, my English isn't the very best...)

"Most PS4's that are sold today were ordered before launch and were influenced by the E3 hype"

And you base this on what? People are still buying PS4 not just for hype but because of the promise of coming new games exclusive and multiplatform. Mediocre launch games didn't stop PS1, PS2 or X360 from being a success.

Ok, at least in here Germany you get the PS4's ordered early in November right now if you're lucky. Not sure about other countries.

We'll see what happens after the pre-orders are shipped.

It will depend on the games releasing in spring. The PS4 won't be sold out forever without many critically acclaimed games. You have to fullfill the promise at a certain point. I'm not so sure about InFAMOUS, maybe Watch Dogs.

I'm confident Sony will fulfill the promise they have always had strong third party support, first half of the year with Infamous, Driveclub, Watchdogs and then there may be a couple of surprise hits in june like FIFA World Cup Edition and GTA 5 port (of course this is just especulation on my part) and close the year with the usual combo of Assassins Creed, COD, Battlefield, FIFA 15 plus Destiny and maybe The Order.