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Pretty large... Just for the near present: I have to finish Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD (first time playing!), Tearaway, The Walking Dead (Vita, already beat on Ps3), Skyrim legendary (150+ hours in 2011 but no DLC, starting new game), Ni No Kuni, Gta5, Dead Space 1/2, Bioshock, Borderlands 2, Binary Domain, Shadow of the Collosus, Kingdom of Amular, and some small indie games I need to get around to...

Not to include the epic January P-Plus games coming out....


EDIT: And that's only two consoles! I'm planning on getting a flippin' 3ds this year and know that I will start with Pokemon X/y, Zelda, and a mario game or something. But I need to finish these first. 

It's good that I'm not getting on the 8th gen consoles yet though... My ps3 is chugging like a champ! So many great games. Will get a Ps4 eventually, and really have no interest it in now, same for Xbone and Wii U (although Wii U has arguably the best next gen game with 3D world)

Currently own:


  • Ps4


Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros