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For those who can't comprehend how cold this really is, I'll give a couple fun facts:
The -60 wind chills we will see on Sunday night and Monday morning are literally capable of giving frostbite to somebody in less than 5 minutes with ANY uncovered portion of their body.

I'm currently working a corporate style job in Minneapolis at a worldwide accounting firm. As such, we are required to dress business casual (dress shirt, dress pants). Emails have already been sent to indicate that we will be allowed to wear jeans to work on Monday (obviously with long johns underneath them) as well as sweatshirts, flannel shirts, or whatever else is necessary. That's right folks, we will be arriving at clients locations dressed like hillbillies.

A 0 degree temperature with 20 mph winds (which many more people could relate to being the rare cold they may experience in winter) produces a mere -22 wind chill. Our temp alone will be -30, with wind chills of -60 (or worse, depending on how gusty the winds get...projected gusts of up to 25mph would actually make it a worst potential of -67 windchill)

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.