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vivster said:
prayformojo said:
vivster said:
prayformojo said:
veritaz said:
Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
^ See now that's Sony's fault to begin with.

When you condition consumers into a certain mindset, and you bet your financials on that certain demographic and push so hard. ( And it keeps going down down and down)

PS2 Sony is dead people.

Blame Microsoft if you want but this is the situation it is now.

Yes, they are dead and replaced by a better one that makes a ton of good exclusives. I can live with that :P

Are you saying the PS4 Sony is better than PS2 Sony? lol. I own a PS4 but, gtfo with that haha. The PS2 had pretty much every huge game franchise on LOCK DOWN. If this were the PS2 era, the next Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts and Grand Theft Auto would ALL be a Sony exclusive. lol. The Xbone would have been DOA.

If the PS2 had done its job properly there would be no successor to the XBOX and we'd still have all the exclusives.

What? The PS2 sold more than 150 million units to Xbox's 20. It crushed the Xbox's bones into a fine dust and laughed. The only reason MS was able to continue was because they had deep pockets. Any other company would have gone under.

So you're saying it's not the PS2's Successor's fault that Xbox bought all the exclusives because MS has deep enough pockets no matter what the competition does?

Good to know.

Also it was the PS2 who lost GTA as exclusive ;)

You said the PS2 didn't do its job properly, but you're wrong.  It dominated harder than any console in history.