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I kinda agree with Degausser's reply. I remember when renting was going to destroy the industry. It never happened. When movies finally reached the rental phase, they had already made their money in theaters and eventually, it was just easier to buy (or torrent) a movie than to rent it. That industry never collapsed.

When it comes to gaming, you were usually able to rent a game at the same time it released in retail. I used to do it, especially in the 90's. Didin't stop those that wanted it from buying. Nintendo at one time was vehemently opposed to gaming rentals. Didn't kill the industry.

By the time a game comes to Playstation Plus (or Games For/With Gold or whatever it's called), the spotlight will be off of them. I wouldn't wait months to buy a game that might someday be free. I get what I want. To date, the only "free" game I've ever downloaded was Crackdown and I haven't even played it.

Like anything else, people will pay for what they want. When that free movie comes to Spike TV or USA, it hurts the film industry no more than "free" games hurt the gaming industry--unless it cuts into your gaming time.