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Orlik666 said:
eyeofcore said:
Orlik666 said:
DietSoap said:
... Did he just forget about Mario Kart in spring or something?

I like Pachter and all, but yeah, nah, 2014 is going to be an absolute monster of a year for the Wii U. Between that and Smash it's going to sell more than the PS4 and Xbox One for the full year easily.



Nobody here in Europe care about smash and mario kart. For us those games are overrated and just boring.

Just because you live in Europe and think that way does not mean that everyone else shares your own opinion and I am from Europe and I don't share your opinion nor my friend I know. You are a single person/individual, you are not the collective of multiple bodies connected to a single mind. You aren't borg, learn that... You don't represent Europe nor your friends that think that way...

I won't buy PlayStation 4 nor Xbox One, I will buy a Wii U because of games it has... I will buy Super Mario 3D World, will buy Mario Kart 8, will buy Super Smash Bros U because they look like games that I will have fun and if fun means "overrated" then hey... I will at least have some fun.

Hardcore gamers want Watch_Dogs, MGS V, Infamous: Second Son, Uncharted 4. Casual gemers are interested in CoD and new Fifa.

Yea... Wanna-be "hardcore gamers"... Playing those games don't make you hardcore at all and that is not point of the hardcore in the first place, it got twisted by you wanna-be hardcore that are just bunch of casuals... You are like a regular kid that tries to be a Punk, but it is not a punk, you like those Emo wanna-be's... *yawn*

You know what really makes a hardcore gamer? The amount of games that you buy, the amount of times you spend playing games, playing on a difficulty that is challenging for you, trying to get every secret, every achievement/trophy, have a vast collection of games, replay games that you have played just to see if you missed something, etc... That is hardcore gamer, it is dedication of your life as a gamer that respects the art/style of the game for what it is...

You could be just playing games from Nintendo and still be a hardcore gamer, you would be a hardcore NIntendo gamer and if you play just games from Sony then you are hardcore Sony gamer... Your values about hardcore are wrong, it is not about the gore, violence, dark themes, realism or anything else really. It is about sacrificing some of your precious time to a hobby that you love so much, it has nothing to do really with what games you play except if you are a wanna-be hardcore gamer that is casual or if lucky a core gamer...

I play video games since age of 3 when I got PlayStation and most if not all games were what you consider for "hardcore gamers"...

I bet you didn't play Syphon Filter when you were like 3 or something like I did... HAHAHA

The only people who will buy WiiU and Nintendo games here, are parents who want child friendly games for their kids.

Your opinion is ignorant and incorrect... I guess nobody bought Resident Evil 4 on Wii or Metroid Prime games on Gamecube and Wii... Oh wait... They did. Please, type on youtube Alphaomegasin and watch his videos. That is a real hardcore gamer you casual.

Just because you can't comprehend that there are teens, adults and even old people playing Nintendo games does not mean that they aren't, you are just an ignorant person that really does not know anything about gaming since you showed all your knowledge with this reply. I feel uncomfortable to say hardcore when I describe what kind of gamer I am because you dude bro kiddies are ruining the very essence and image of hardcore, its like turning a video game into a movie, its awful and a f-ing heresy.

I will have fun playing Bayonetta 2, Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem, Watch Dogs, Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge, Monolith Soft's X(working title), Hyrule Warrior's(working title),  etc... Because I know I will enjoy them and play them "to death".

There is no chance for WiiU to win over PS4 without Europe. 

Europe wasn't really Nintendo's stronghold, you have Japan and USA in which Nintendo has influence...

I don't understand why people are even getting the PlayStation 4, they could get a PC for 500$ that smokes it right now and that can do much more and you don't need to pay for online multiplayer and other things. It can do all things that PlayStation 4 does and much more... PlayStation 4 is not even a console nor is Xbox One, just gimped PC's like original Xbox was, awful. Heresy.


If you are going to respond then read all I wrote otherwise if you don't then you have no credibility in case you respond to me...

BTW; Ninja Gaiden started on Nintendo's console, so does Final Fantasy, Front Mission,  Castlevania, etc... Hardcore is Nintendo and I dare you to play a game on "Nintendo Hard" difficulty... No! I double dare you!

SOMEONE GOT BUTTHURT No. I am just exposing you.

1) UK is the only place where WIIU is selling ok. I personally don't know anybody who cares about Nintendo games or consoles. Most people here want PS4 and they will get PS4. Your "damage controlling" won't change the fact that most gamers here are not interested in WiiU.

When comes to Europe, we only know a rough number from UK from what I know. Just because you don't know anyone that cares/is interested in the Wii U does not mean they don't exist, its their choice if they want a PlayStation 4 or not.  I am not "damage controlling" anything since I am correcting you because you came here like you are represeting Europe just because you are from Europe yet you don't represent mindset of entire Europe because you are just a single person and just because you corrected you then you go all butthurt. It has nothing to do with interest of European gamers in the first place, it is about you presenting as all of them which you aren't. You lost all credibility by doing that... Go to North korea if you want to force your opinion to all people.

2) Smash won't help WiiU because it will be avaible also on 3DS. Damn, those 10 year old kids who got 3DS for christmas must be excited as hell

Your logic is broken since Super Smash Bros 4 for 3DS and U are different games since most/all levels are different, balance between characters difference and other things. It is the same franchise, but not really the same game because you got 3DS and Wii U version, two completelly different versions. Saying that SSB won't have an effect on Wii U strips you all of your credibility, it is like saying that Killzone won't help PlayStation 4 sales if it was also on PlayStation Vita... Jeez... You keep digging your own grave.

3) "I bet you didn't play Syphon Filter when you were like 3 or something like I did"

Sorry mate but no.

I was playing oryginal Contra when I was a 3 year old. That only means that I am much older than you.

That essentially does not mean that you are more experienced than me or better therefore or any better, especially since you consider playing only dark, gritty, gore filled games as hardcore which is not and I have described you that.

Thank you for reminding me with who I am dealing with. An Angry Nintendo Kid!  :D

@underlined You futher prove that you don't have any kind of credibility, if I was angry then I would not have corrected you in the first place, but rather just insult you and if I was a "Nintendo kid" then I would primarily play on a Nintendo's platform which I never owned nor I played any of their games and my only console was the original PlayStation thus how I am a "Nintendo kid" if I played Syphon Filter?

Also I am an adult not a kid, learn the difference because you confirmed to yourself that you consider yourself a kid by your own logic.

4) Nobody with their right mind will call a person that is only playing Nintendo games a hardcore gamer. It only makes you a Nintendo fanboy. There are many better games than those made by Nintendo. 

I told you the difference yet you fail again, you have a typical hardcore gamer that is not really restricted to any platforms and then you have hardcore games that are primarily/strictly sticking to one platform thus you have Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo hardcore gamers also forcing your flawed and incorrect view of a hardcore gamer is incorrect and shows that you are more casual or if lucky core gamer than hardcore gamer.

5) "Ninja Gaiden started on Nintendo's console, so does Final Fantasy, Front Mission,  Castlevania"

So what ? Their sequels are not on Nintendo consoles. Why ? Because most nintendo fans nowadays are interested only in Nintendo related stuff. You are all acting like a brainwashed cult. That's more dangerous for industry than what EA and Activision are doing.

You make me laugh, their sequels may not yet Nintendo fans got Final Fantasy spin offs and they get Dragon Quest sequels, Wii U got Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge, DS got Front Mission games... Etc... You know why Nintendo fans "only" buy games from Nintendo? Because of replay value, quality, production value, gameplay, etc... Also thesis that Nintendo fans don't buy 3rd party games is a myth and is fallacy and @underlined shows how pathetic you are. I am not part of any "cult" nor I am a "Nintendo kid" as you called me because you can't comprehend a different opinion nor my correction of you when came to hardcore gamer thing.

If you were a gamer, you lost values of it... You probably have been on NES and/or SNES when you were a kid yet that does not mean that Nintendo is a "kiddie" company because it is not, just because they make games that are no longer appealing to you does not mean that they are "kiddie". Those games are profitable and you and other gamers forced them to just make "kiddie" games because you did not bought games for Teens/Adults/Mature in the first place and you ignored the Gamecube.

You had a chance to push Nintendo towards making more games for Teens/Adults/Mature, you blew it... If you want NIntendo to make/fund those kind of games then buy a freaking Wii U and buy those kind of gamers otherwise things won't change, gamers have the power with their wallet so use it or get out.

@underlined2 No... You want always on DRM, check in 24 hours in future like many developers want it in consoles since they are afraid of piracy? Then support EA or Activision on consoles that have strict DRM's.

 6) "Just because you live in Europe and think that way does not mean that everyone else shares your own opinion"

But WiiU sales in Europe makes  my opinion is valid. 3DS and WiiU are consoles for kids and games show it perfectly.  

No it does not because it does not show entire stance of Europe, just one part of it... It does not make your opinion valid at all because then nobody would be buying a Wii U at all, it would have zero sales yet why I really bother if you can't think logically. When you think people can't be less intelligent then you get proved wrong and you proved me wrong, there are even less intelligent people that are also in their own bubble being in denial about many things that are against their interest.

What games 3DS or Wii U has does not equal demographics and age of it at all, your opinion is flawed and factually incorrect. You are literally going against a fact because games don't represent/show age of a regular 3DS user nor demographics of it. You know what you show perfectly about yourself? You are below average when comes to intelligence because the way you think is so simple that I could label you as a three year old...

Pokemon X and Y looks like a "kiddie" game yet mostly college studens play it...

You know... I only see kids with Vita's in my country while I see more adults with 3DS than kids with 3DS...

Handheld gaming is not just for kids if you didn't knew, it is for everyone, your grandmother could play it, your girl/wife could play it, but you will ignore the fact that because of some reason or some event that happened to you, you are having some complex involving NIntendo... Do you hate your own childhood? Do you hate games that are actually fun and not stressful? Are you ashamed of yourself when you get a flashback of your childhood when you maybe played Mario or Sonic?

You are a big baby... You cry about that or that... You probably cry about Nintendo not making games for adults yet you didn't buy Giast or Eternal Darkness because you were afraid of Gamecube's design because it looked fun...

Anyway you keep showing that you don't have credibility... I can only pity you. Oh casuals... They never learn.