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Orlik666 said:
DietSoap said:
... Did he just forget about Mario Kart in spring or something?

I like Pachter and all, but yeah, nah, 2014 is going to be an absolute monster of a year for the Wii U. Between that and Smash it's going to sell more than the PS4 and Xbox One for the full year easily.



Nobody here in Europe care about smash and mario kart. For us those games are overrated and just boring.

Don't you dare presume to talk for me EVER again. Smash Bros and Mario Kart are masterpieces in my, and many of my friends, eyes. Just because you can't appreciate them and they don't sell as strongly as they should here doesn't mean they're bad products or undesired.



Orlik666 said:

Hardcore gamers want Watch_Dogs, MGS V, Infamous: Second Son, Uncharted 4. Casual gemers are interested in CoD and new Fifa. The only people who will buy WiiU and Nintendo games here, are parents who want child friendly games for their kids.  

Don't be dumb; I know people who just recently got Nintendo tattoos. Zelda is hardcore, and yet almost always beautifully colourful. - That said, Watch_Dogs will be pretty amazing on the Wii-U too.

You are right about people getting Nintendo games for kids; which is kinda good because Nintendo seem to be among the only companies that strive to make their products suitable-yet-fun for everyone. That said my experience has been that most of the Mii-Verse users I met were age 18-35; probably because that crowd is no long determined to "be mature" and just want to have fun. 


Orlik666 said:

There is no chance for WiiU to win over PS4 without Europe.

You're actually right about this; but your broad strokes still piss me off. Nintendo may under-preform but that doesn't mean they're not still loved by many gamers in Europe.