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Arius Dion said:
Is this a joke? Vitas a dud. Third parties supporting it is just more proof of a biased agenda regarding Nintendo. Not that it matters as the 3DS is dominating. But it is curious. The guy said developing for vita ruined him financially. What idiot would choose an installed base of 7m over 3DS'?

The kind of person who financially bets on getting through QA on the first attempt and releases a piece of casual-aimed shovelware on the handheld which is mostly targetting home console gamers.

So basically, someone who demonstrated he had no understanding how the videogame market works, pretty much.  I'm sad to hear what happened to him but I had little sympathy after he explained the reasons he was financially ruined.  Heck, his company shelved projects that would be much better suited to Vita to release a compilation of pub games.  GG.


To clarify, though, he admitted on Twitter that Vita wasn't the problem - it was the problems with the studio, not the console.