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Fusioncode said:
eyeofcore said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
eyeofcore said:
Wii U by now should be 5.3 to 5.5 million units...

In January it should reach 5.7 while in best case scenario 5.85, Wii U will break 6 million in february and should hit 6.75 somewhere in March.

I estimate that Wii U by November will break 10 million and by end of 2014 will break 12.5 million...

Yep...that sounds like Sonys first year numbers for sure. Sony and Microsoft are good at getting people to pick up consoles in Summer and Fall especially. 

Nope... Do I mention Sony or Microsoft? No, so stop being delusional and also please go back to school since you can't read apparently...

PlayStation 4 stands at 3.4 million at week that ended on December 21th... I expect that PlayStation 4 will reach week after that 3.8-4.0 million and week after that 4.1-4.25 million... I assume that sales cool down as usually after Xmas and crash and burn after New Year event.

Please don't call anyone delusional when you expect the WiiU to sell 750k in March. Especially when it did 120k last March. Did you know that's a 600% increase from 2013. It didn't even have any competition last year. 

Did around February/March last year had 1st party exclusives, did Wii U's library at that time had many games and exclusives and did it had marketing at that time? No... Wii U has now a well established library with a lot of 1st, 2nd and 3rd party exclusives... Price drop that happened in Q3 will have an effect then upcoming 3rd party and 1st/2nd party games also with advertising that Nintendo failed to do last year around the same time.

As Reggie said, Software sales Hardware... Wii U didn't had much of software last year and now it does, it has build up to have enough and more is coming...

People doomed the DS and look what happened, people doomed the Wii and look how that played out, people doomed the 3DS and look how Nintendo resolved... Nintendo has the experience, they are over 100 years old company, knowledge was passed on from one generation to another generation of employees and they learned from their mistakes that they have done with each console...

Wii U did had competition, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360... Now it also has PlayStation 4 nad Xbox One and both of them also compete with Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3... When new generation starts, you need to give a reason to people to switch from Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 to their successors will it be the games or something else also attract people that are venturing into console gaming...

They could see a 200$ PlayStation 3 and a PlayStation 4 that is 400$ and they will likely choose PlayStation 3 because its cheaper and has a well established library thus you need a reason to persuade the consumer to buy your newer console with promies of games and other things... Marketing and software is the key... Nintendo failed to deliver first half last year and started delivering that in its second half...