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Max King of the Wild said:
out of that nonsensical post you didnt once explain my question. all you were able to do is say ignorant a whole bunch of times (ironic). I am taking into consideration those games. Those games can only do so much. Hence I said 900k for the quarter instead of 300k. Thats a 200% increase yoy which is veryimpressive and hardly ever done. What you are failing to dois take into consideration the Wii Us pathetic performance last year and for some reason expect consumers to all of a sudden jump on board

Why I should explain your own quesitons? You ask questions that yourself can't understand?

If you took those games into consideration then your estimate is a low ball... They can do much and you sadly low ball them, Wii U has potential to sell 300K in January thanks to well established game library and it will go above that as further some 3rd party games arrive to increase its appeal and then we have exclusive Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze which will push units since it will boast Wii U's appeal.

You expect 900K while I expect 1.2 million for Q1 2014... DIdn't Sony managed 200% YOY increase with PlayStation 3?

I took all variables, factors and events into consideration, I have taken last years performance of the Wii U into consideration otherwise my estimation would not be correct. I am not going to make rookie mistakes like you do and you have done in here... Last's years performance is not this years performance as the situation changed which is proven by holiday sales which don't represent sales in future yet they indicate that consumers interest for the Wii U has increased as games were released. Otherwise, if consumers interest stayed the same then Wii U would not have performed in holidays.

Past is not the future or otherwise PlayStation 3 would still be a sitting duck nor would Wii sold better than Gamecube if the past meant what the future is thus paradox.

There is no "some reason", there is reason will it be games, price/affordability, usability, design, preference and/or mere nostalgia for its franchises...

People all of the sudden jumped aboard once PlayStation 3 was affordable enough, which it was its flaw.

Wii U's flaw that it did not had great library ultil recently... Now people are jumping on board.