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Max King of the Wild said:
eyeofcore said:
Wii U by now should be 5.3 to 5.5 million units...

In January it should reach 5.7 while in best case scenario 5.85, Wii U will break 6 million in february and should hit 6.75 somewhere in March.

I estimate that Wii U by November will break 10 million and by end of 2014 will break 12.5 million...

why will Wii U sell 300k in Jan and then 750k in March when last year Nintendo shipped 300k for the three months? No, I'm thinking best case scenario is ~300k a month

Your reasons, logic and rationality are flawed to point that you sound extremely ignorant as you don't consider various variables, factors and upcoming events that may or will increase its sales nor you look at known plans that Nintendo has this year. It is stunning that you don't do the research or at least don't do research involving Nintendo since your opinion is shaped by ever growing crowd of ignorant people thus your opinion or to be more correct your stance is being essentially by popular opinions/thinking...

You are ignoring all exclusives that the Wii U has that may or will influences someones decision to pull the trigger and purchase a Wii U, 1st, 2nd and 3rd party exclusives sell consoles... If people's purchases of Sony's and Microsoft's consoles really depend on 3rd party multiplatform games then it talks a lot about their exclusives, it shows that they aren't good enough to really sell a console...

Everyone thought Earth was flat and look at us now...

Nintendo made mistakes in first year that won't be made these mistakes again... If you think they would then I guess Sony would do the same mistake also... Let's be serious, companies learn from mistakes like it or not, you can be in denial about that, but that is the way things work in the end...

Everyone makes mistakes, including you and me... But I don't make mistakes when comes to estimation and predictions because I do research and I look at smallest detail possible then I calculate all the variables, factors and effects of upcoming events. I don't think you have an eye for detail like I do...