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In the forest france level of UC3 (Chataeu) =>

Sully: Like that time you got us lost in Peru.
Drake: Oh really, you want to bring up Peru?
Sully: Hah, you're still not holding that over me.
Drake: I was fifteen, Sully. Shoulda' known when I met ya that I'd be in prison within a year.
Sully: You were heading that way on your own if you recall. I got you out, didn't I? I always get you out!

And UC4 teaser:

"I lost fifteen years. Buried alive. Erased. You left me, rotting in that hell hole and never looked back."

So if Drake was indeed in jail at the age of fifteen, add fifteen to that and our villain of UC4 got out around the events of UC1.

"When all your lies collapse around you, I'll be there."

He's possibly waiting/planning something over the last six years which would be around 2 years after UC3. Especially now that Drake has settled, the time could be *right*?